What Is Ryan's Reach?
“Ryan's Reach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that operates two licensed homes for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) survivors. Both homes are located in Orange County. The charity also provides financial assistance for TBI survivors who cannot afford the therapy needed to recover from an accident. We are committed to expanding programs and services to more effectively address the financial, emotional, physical and spiritual needs of Traumatic Brain Injury survivors and their families.”
Ryan’s Reach has discovered that families first experiencing TBI do not know what to do, or where to turn. Ryan’s Reach has provided some helpful insight into steps to consider following an event.
Mission Statement
Ryan's Reach is a 501(c)(3) whose purpose is to provide aid and support to brain injured individuals and their families.
Vision Statement
Ryan's Reach envisions an expansion of group home availability, therapy and resources to improve the quality of life for TBI survivors and their families.
Our Goals
Providing scholarship assistance for TBI survivors to experience rehabilitation through High Hopes
Support the operation of residential homes for TBI survivors.
Provide financial assistance to survivors and/or caregivers.