The Need and the Nurture
Ryan's Reach R&R was created to fill a gap in our community that exists for group home living for young TBI survivors. Sadly, if a person were to incur a TBI between 18 and 59 there is very little available other than being the exception in a home for the elderly where they may accept one person younger than age 60 to live in such home.
Most families would rather their loved one be in a home that is more understanding of brain injury and the many manifestations of it, as well as have other younger people around. So Ryan's Reach is proving that not only can homes be created for this population of people but run in a safe and fiscally responsible way as a non-profit.
After taking first steps to find our first location and home we learned about available help that has made a world of difference. California's Medi-Cal has a special program to provide financial assistance to persons on SSI/SSP, such that they might receive additional financial assistance toward room & board in assisted living environments. This is known as the "Assisted Living Waiver program (ALW). Both of our homes are now recognized as "Provider" homes by MediCal. Frankly the ALW program has made it possibly for financially needy TBI survivors to live independently in residences such as ours. Ryan's Reach still needs donations and fundraisers to keep other parts of our mission going such as ongoing therapy via High Hopes and therapy that comes to the RR homes, outings for the residents and hopefully expansion of R&R homes.
Ryan's Reach R&R homes understand that the best place for a person to recover and rehabilitate from TBI would be at home with family. When this is not possible, Ryan's Reach R&R attempts to come as close as possible to that ideal. Staff is provided for cooking, cleaning, distribution of medication and in some cases assisting with showering, toileting and dressing. As many TBI survivors have short term memory loss it is also important that staff provide reminders of the day's activities and therapies that are planned for them. If they are leaving to go for therapy or family time the staff will make sure they are ready and when possible staff will drive them to and from therapy and/or doctor's appointments.
Ryan's Reach R&R believes it is vital that residents have contact with family members frequently. We know that the family would love to take care of their loved one but it can be too hard if they go to work and may not have time, room in their home or money to provide for their in-home care. We exist to be able to lift some of the load so that families aren't providing 100% of the care for their loved one. However, we don't assume 100% of the care when it comes to arranging for doctor's appointments, therapy and social activities. Each resident has a family member acting as their conservator, officially, or unofficial case manager so it is vital that planning the daily activities be done collaboratively with the group home administrator and staff as there are 4 to 5 residents in each home and transportation and staff coverage needs to be taken into consideration.
Ryan's Reach has opened homes in safe and nice neighborhoods and seeks to have good relationships with the neighbors. We plan activities for the holidays and birthdays and invite parent/spouse/sibling/children participation. We believe each resident needs to have full lives and in order to have that they need a full day of activities that include therapy, learning, socializing, fun and intermittent rest. We believe in a healthy diet and some exercise when possible. We also seek to make spiritual learning and growth available when desired.
Ryan's Reach staff must receive clear and updated training when it comes to job requirements and working with TBI survivors. They must be compassionate, forgiving, patient and kind as well as diligent with an excellent work ethic. The brain injury community has many unique considerations and that is why group home living for TBI survivors has not been a priority in most areas. Finding a group who can live together well and staff who can adjust to the needs of each individual is challenging but with the help of the family members, it can be done.
We believe that Ryan's Reach R&R homes should be duplicated and we are happy to train any individual or entity that feels the passion to start another from scratch or under the umbrella of Ryan's Reach R&R.
Ryan’s Reach R&R
Ryan’s Reach R&R II