Ryan’s Reach in 2020
We don’t need to tell you this has been a tough year. It’s been tough for everyone in one form or another. Before we wrap up 2020, I thought it would be good to report to you, our supporters, on how Ryan’s Reach has dealt with this trying time. It hasn’t been all bad.
We, like everyone else living through a pandemic, which none of us have experienced ever before, wondered how restricted we needed to be. Having a group home made us extra careful knowing that if one person in the house got the virus it could spread quickly to everyone, including staff.
Well, it happened. We got the news one day that one of the caregivers had tested positive for Covid 19. He of course stayed home as soon as he had symptoms but that was too late for his wife who also works for Ryan’s Reach. She became symptomatic and stayed home as well. As a result, we knew everyone needed to be tested.
We were fortunate to find a clinic that had a mobile van that came to the home and we all got tested. Unfortunately, at the time it was taking 7–10 days to get results. A few days after the testing one of our residents became symptomatic and we went into overdrive; taking extraordinary precautions with not only masks but face shields and constant disinfecting. All residents had to pretty much stay in their rooms to avoid contact.
Ultimately the resident with the virus had to go to the hospital due to dehydration from refusing to eat and drink. This refusal made it worse when it came to oral medications (must have had the taste and smell issues). People with TBI aren’t always compliant with doing what’s best for them so IV liquids and meds were administered at the hospital until there was a negative test. We are so proud of our staff who succeeded in arresting the spread of the virus to all the other staff and residents.
Ecstatic to finally be licensed and ready to take in new residents
The home in Santa Ana is beautiful in the front and on the inside but the backyard was a bit lack luster to say the least – so thank you to our friend Gwen Hyman for donating some gorgeous grass to add some color and life to our backyard activities. Additional color to be added to the planter in early 2021!
Thanks to our resident Wayne for volunteering to help us paint the fence :)
Opened second group home in Santa Ana
I mentioned it hasn’t all been bad. Even during this year of the pandemic we patiently waited for licensing to visit our second group home in Santa Ana. We were finally approved to open in August!! We welcomed two new TBI survivors to Ryan’s Reach and have had 4 full-time residents at the Tustin home and 3 at the Santa Ana home. We will add another full-time resident in early January. So welcome to Conrad (29), Daryl (59) and Samuel (26). Conrad had a car accident 9 years ago, Daryl was a victim of an assault a couple of years ago and Samuel survived a motorcycle accident just last February. Our goal is to provide a safe and caring environment as we find ways to build a sense of community and family and friendship.
Sure it has been difficult to do what we were used to doing before Covid - keeping them active and busy. Three of the residents have been able to still do pool therapy as it’s outdoors and they are separated from all except the therapist who always is masked. Family visits had to be restricted last spring but we were able to open the homes to family visits after the early surge and we’re all learning how to stay safe and still provide some essential interaction with loved ones. We must always comply with licensing regulations and keep the welfare of the whole household in mind.
Our Motto
A beautiful day to put up Christmas decorations and Wayne gets our Volunteer award for always being ready to help.
Doing life together in a home environment is better for recovery for our TBI survivors.
The 20th Annual Dove Dash 5K
I have to mention that we were beyond delighted and relieved that the 20th Annual Dove Dash 5K went virtual and we had an incredible fundraiser. We put out celebrity video endorsements to spread the word, as well as family shout outs from Ryan’s granddad Pat Boone, Ryan’s aunt Debby Boone and cousin Tessa Ferrer. A great big thank you to actor Ryan Eggold (New Amsterdam and The Blacklist); Ryan’s Reach friends Chip McAllister (winner of the Amazing Race and Dove Dash MC); actor Robert Hayes (Airplane); and, a host of others for giving your time to make videos we could post.
Bottom Line? We raised over $35,000 and our stated goal was $20,000! The virtual online campaign spread all over the country so there were people who may never have participated before due to the geographical barrier. It was so gratifying that many sent in photos and videos of their participation Covid style!
The Dash was virtual, meaning people could do it wherever they lived, wherever and whenever they wanted or they could simply make a donation. This was our family group and Ryan completed his 1K crossing our finish line in front of our house. Enjoy some photos of other participants doing their Dash in their own neck of the woods! :)
The Ms. America Pageant was represented by a team of 61 all over the country led by the winners in the various categories. WOW!!! That was so awesome. Thank you Ms. America!!
Thank You to Laura Lee Fekete
We can’t end the year without offering a huge thanks to Laura Lee Fekete who started the Dove Dash in 2001 and was integral to all 20 of the Dove Dash events. We met her around the planning of the 6th Dove Dash when we asked her to show us how to do a fundraiser 5K for Ryan’s Reach. She suggested we plan it with them for that year and Ryan’s Reach could have the proceeds.
After that first year, we decided to keep the partnership going and she eventually started working for Ryan’s Reach. Last year she knew it was time for her to retire and travel in a new RV with her husband Dave. So, the 20th Annual Dove Dash was to be her last, but we are friends for life. She recently came over and presented Mike and I (and Ryan’s Reach) with a quilt that is made of all 20 T-shirts from all the Dove Dash events! Never met a bigger heart or a more lovely individual!
So that about catches you up with Ryan’s Reach in the year of the Covid. I didn’t even mention that we chose not to even attempt a golf tournament and ultimately it wouldn’t have been allowed. But the Dove Dash was a success and we got our second group home opened and we look forward to a new year with new appreciation of all we may have been taking for granted as the pandemic is overcome. Things like hugging each other and being together in large groups and our health in general.
We know that so many have been affected financially by this year’s closures and so we know this will not be possible for everyone but if you if you are in the position of making an end of year donation we would be so grateful and use it wisely to help TBI survivors and those who love them.
Merry Christmas from Ryan, his family and all of us at Ryan’s Reach! May 2021 be a year of recovery and restoration for us all!